Saturday, January 16, 2016

North American QSO Party

Today was my first non-Field Day contest, the NAQP.

 Total Contacts = 83
 Total Points = 3,569

 Operating Period: 2016/01/16 19:02 - 2016/01/17 05:42

 Total Contacts by Band and Mode:

 Band       CW   Phone     Dig   Total       %
 ----       --   -----     ---   -----     ---
   40        0      46       0      46      55
   20        0      33       0      33      40
   15        0       4       0       4       5
            --   -----     ---   -----     ---
 Total       0      83       0      83     100

The Icom, of course, suffered it's transmit weirdness and delayed my start. I pulled the cover off and tapped around on the main board unit it started working and it kept working all day. Maybe that magic will last beyond today.

I worked in the comfort of the dining room, via RemoteRig.

Last Field Day, the RemoteRig would sometimes disconnect from the WLAN. I never really found out why, I just rebooted the Control-RRC. Today, however, no issues. Then again, it was only 30 feet from the router.

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