Actually, before I update on the noise, I spent literally single digit minutes remotely mounting the control head of the Yaesu.
When I got the radio, I also got the MMB-98, a universal(ish) suction cup mount that fits several models of Yaesu radios.
I moved my GPS to the windshield, to the right of the rearview mirror, which left this space open on the dashboard. The mount uses a single screw through a pad of fixed radial teeth to provide a secure and adjustable angle. Unfortunately, there is not an angle that precisely matches the angle of my dashboard, but it is reasonably close to level. More importantly, it's WAY easier to see and operate up here than it was down there.
I am quite pleased.
So, the noise...
I asked on a Thursday night net if there was anyone near my experiencing the interference. There are hams nearby, but none really close. However, on person suggested contacting Oncor Energy about the noise, as such noise is frequently power line equipment related, generally easy for them to locate and resolve and they are apparently pretty good at it.
I chose to contact via a general email. In short, I explained how I noticed and my investigations thus far. For what it's worth, their email robot replied pretty quickly, assigned me an incident number and suggested that the request will be processed within 48 hours.
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